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InOu Furniture
Modern patio furniture made to last outdoors; configurable, refined and weather resistant. Designed for you.
TruDrop Self-Watering Pots
Privacy Barriers
Our MODular planters are ideal to create intimate, commercial or residential spaces. Configure to your needs with 6 sizes and 7 colors to select from.
Gardening Ideas
Growing Bush Beans in the Nest Planter: A Squirrel-Proof Solution
This summer I grew bush beans in the Nest TruDrop Raised Bed Planter. The Nest is a raised-bed type of container with the TruDrop self-watering system. It comes in three sizes and several colors. Mine, which is 18 x 36 inches in bark color, was easy to assemble on my deck. I filled the Nest with a bag of potting mix and then filled the reservoir with water. Growing Beans in a Nest Planter I...
Container Gardening In Our Changing Climate
As we forge ahead with our planting plans this season it’s a good idea to think about how our climate has changed over the last few years. Here on the lower mainland of British Columbia we’ve seen long cool wet springs followed by extreme heat and then lower than usual temperatures in winter. My question to you is do we need to plant differently? What worked last season and what didn’t in our...
We are committed to creating high quality plant and people friendly products.
Stories from the Garden
Container Gardening to Attract Hummingbirds & Goldfinches Naturally
Since the pandemic I have been working from home, and I often look out the window at my garden. Recently I have noticed hummingbirds visiting the salvia plants. I have always seen goldfinches in the fall, but hummingbirds were new. Or maybe it was that I was finally able to see them during the day now that I was home. Inspired, I decided to attract more this summer. I purposedly selected three...
Growing Bush Beans in the Nest Planter: A Squirrel-Proof Solution
This summer I grew bush beans in the Nest TruDrop Raised Bed Planter. The Nest is a raised-bed type of container with the TruDrop self-watering system. It comes in three sizes and several colors. Mine, which is 18 x 36 inches in bark color, was easy to assemble on my deck. I filled the Nest with a bag of potting mix and then filled the reservoir with water. Growing Beans in a Nest Planter I...