Blog - Crescent Garden

Summer Container Gardening Care and The Tools Needed to Get …

Summer flowering containers add interest, color, texture, depth and a unique sense of personality to your outdoor spaces. With so many options available during the summer months, filling up your co...

Design a Tropical, Low-Maintenance Summer Container Garden

Our gardens can have many different looks, themes, and characteristics to give us that unique feel we all crave as gardeners, and one look many of us seek year after year is a bold, tropical look. ...

Summer Harvest Abundance in Outdoor Container Gardens

Summer is the season of abundant harvests! From loads of tasty tomatoes and peppers to delicious fresh herbs, growing your favorite food crops in a container garden has never been easier thanks to ...

Fabulous Foliage Planters Make Summer Livin’ Easy

Fabulous Foliage Planters Make Summer Livin’ Easy

I’d like to invite you to take a sneak peek into my life as a garden designer. Finally, home after a long, sweaty day of working in my clients’ gardens and all I want to do is sit on my back patio with a glass of wine and the book I have been meaning to read for the...

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Grow Mints in Gabrielle Bag for Unique Gifts

Grow Mints in Gabrielle Bag for Unique Gifts

This summer, a new family moved into our neighborhood. When I saw the “for sale” sign in front of the house, I cut a few sprigs of my chocolate mint and put them in a glass jar of water. They rooted in a matter of days. After a week, I potted them up in 2-inch square...

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Container Gardening In Our Changing Climate

Container Gardening In Our Changing Climate

As we forge ahead with our planting plans this season it’s a good idea to think about how our climate has changed over the last few years. Here on the lower mainland of British Columbia we’ve seen long cool wet springs followed by extreme heat and then lower than...

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