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InOu Furniture
Modern patio furniture made to last outdoors; configurable, refined and weather resistant. Designed for you.
TruDrop Self-Watering Pots
Privacy Barriers
Our MODular planters are ideal to create intimate, commercial or residential spaces. Configure to your needs with 6 sizes and 7 colors to select from.
Gardening Ideas
How to Create a High-Impact Summer Foodscape Container Garden
Before you begin planting, here are a few important tips to keep in mind for a successful container gardening experience! Location Full sun is best for traditional vegetables, which means 4-6+ hours of direct light. This exposure will ensure that you will have ample harvests from fruiting varieties such as eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes all summer long. If you happen to garden in more...
Summer Container Gardening Care and The Tools Needed to Get It Done
Summer flowering containers add interest, color, texture, depth and a unique sense of personality to your outdoor spaces. With so many options available during the summer months, filling up your containers with all the beautiful, colorful plants and flowers you want is an easy task. In order to keep your plants and flowers looking beautiful all season long, however, they will require basic care...
We are committed to creating high quality plant and people friendly products.
Stories from the Garden
How To Plant Vegetables In Containers
How to Grow a Container Vegetable Garden Do you adore fresh vegetables—but lack garden space? Do you dream of delicious bruschetta created from tasty, rich tomatoes and sweet basil? If you love homegrown vegetables, herbs, and fruit but lack a garden plot, grow your favorite treats on a balcony, patio, or porch in containers! With a little planning, the right tools, and a few helpful tips, you...
Everybody Loves The Flower Girl: Meet The Boutique Gardener
“Liv, do what you love and the money will come.” When you were younger what did you dream of doing when you grew up? Maybe you still are dreaming about your future and what your career path will look like. What are the steps to reaching that dream, and will following that dream provide you with the means to support yourself? For Livvy Tubergen, her dream career path and her talent for that dream...