January 25, 2017 – From the creator of the Digging In Gathering, Andrea of Contained Gardens:
“I started Contained Gardens in 2001 and I always felt that something is missing for people who do what I do. A conference, a workshop, a meeting, something just for professional container garden designers. We often get lumped into the ‘landscapers’ group but that’s just not us!
Thanks to social media, I have met others who do what I do and they have agreed that this “something” is not out there.
After much thought (some scary) and many sleepless nights I decided I would take the leap and make this happen! The goal for Digging In is to create a small gathering for professional designers to Inspire one another, Learn from one another and Create a community!”
Two years later Andrea has coordinated two successful Digging In Gathering where professional container garden designers have learned, been inspired, and created friendships along with new ideas for growing their business. Fortunately, we at Crescent Garden have been able to be a part of this creative group who understand that a big part of great container gardening starts with the right kind of planter.
Digging In Gathering 2017
The group attended seminars led from container gardening guru and speaker Helen Weis, nationally known landscape designer and author Jenny Peterson, designer Molly Garrett of Field and Canvas, the Personal Gardening Coach – speaker and author Christina Salwitz, and took part in the taping of a Laura Eubanks Succulent Tip of the Day .
There were industry specialist there, including our own Brian Mais!
Photo by Meg Adams
Specializing in any field can always be a little risky, but container gardening has proven to be a force all its own in the horticulture world. Greenhouse Grower Magazine wrote an article on consumer gardening trends that have stood the test of time and #1 on their list was Decorating With Containers. They quoted the Garden Media Group‘s Trend report about curating your space with container gardening (also known a Potscaping or Portable Gardening), “Container gardening has stepped off the back porch and patio and moved into the landscape, showing up in beds and borders or standing alone like an eye-catching exclamation point. Busy homeowners find decorating their yards with spots of pots is an easy way to splash color throughout the yard. Container gardening has taken a new, advanced form. Today, containers have fully expanded beyond the limits of the porch or landscape. It’s not uncommon to find container plants in houses, dorm rooms, and even at work. The modern wellness hotspot trend highlights the need for containers — and houseplants — in all spaces.”
Gabrielle Bag
Andrea saw a need and found a way to fill it with this budding yearly event. Thank-you for letting us be a part!
Container gardening is the way for all demographics in any location to have an opportunity to garden, and Crescent Garden is here to help you be more successful at it.
*All photo credits: Andrea of Contained Gardens and the Digging in Gathering unless noted otherwise